Sunday, November 1, 2015

The Militarization of US Foreign Policy

In this video, military analyst Andrew Bacevich discusses how US foreign policy has become increasingly reliant on military action in place of diplomacy. This increase towards militarization has not only affected military leaders in the Pentagon, but has also influenced the thinking of civilian leaders (such as in the State Department) in making foreign policy decisions. Bacevich argues that even if the diplomacy-oriented Department of State was able to have more influence over the Department of Defense in foreign policymaking, leaders would still opt for military solutions as they are seen as more efficient than negotiations and treaties.

This video reminded me of the discussion we had in class on Friday about discursive power vs. military power. Although using military power in conflicts with other countries may seem faster and more effective at first, it has much harsher consequences, such as worsening relationships with other countries that may effect the United States later on. This also poses the question of when to use military intervention vs. when to use diplomacy. I believe that using military force should be seen as a last resort, and that the US is not making full use of its diplomatic powers and instead using military threats to achieve our policy goals.


  1. Do you think the US is turning more towards military force as a first resort because its 'soft power' is declining and they are less persuasive than they used to be? Why or why not?

    1. Yes, but I believe that it is also a vicious cycle. US military power increased drastically after WWII, especially after the DoD was created as well as during the arms race with the Soviet Union. The US is such a militarized country now that it has overshadowed our diplomatic resources, meaning that the DoD gets much more funding and support than the State Department, which only contributes to the cycle of increasing militarization.

  2. I definitely agree that US relies way too heavily on military power rather than discursive power especially because of the exorbitant amount of money that goes into the military. We've invested so heavily in it that I feel like we need to put it into use at any opportunity we get without considering other options. I also think this is due to the increased use of military power around the world. The heavy investment into drones,bombs, and other nuclear weapons from the US, ISIS, North Korea, etc only promotes the use of such military action because it is looked at as a competition. I also agree with professor Shirk's assertion that of soft power is less persuasive than it used to be.

  3. I definitely agree that the U.S. should try to use its diplomatic power first instead of going straight for military power. I think military power should be a last resort for every country because it so expensive and it is better to reach an agreement without using force if it is possible. I find it more beneficial if they countries are able to talk out the issues, discuss it, and come to an agreement. Although using diplomacy may be harder then just jumping to military actions, in the long run it will help maintain relations between countries if there is not forced involved and lives lost between countries.

  4. I think using military power should be a last resort, only if there are no other options, kind of deal. We have created a reputation for ourselves of having a strong military. We discussed in class that having a show of strength in the beginning means you will not have to use it again, because everyone will know what you are capable of. I believe we have made this point quite clear so if we use diplomacy and it seems to not be going well we can always threaten to use military force and that should work because of what we have done on the past.

  5. I agree with Erika when she says that the use of Military power should be a last resort because we are seen as having a strong military which is necessarily a good thing. We have spent a lot of money on the military which makes our judgement clouded when we are threatened by anything. Like everyone has been saying, idealistically Diplomacy seems to be the best idea to get everyone to work out their issues, however we have seen that Diplomacy does not always work. I also agree with Sammy when she says that the relationships with foreign countries can diminish because of our military force and how we use it. We have the ability to use our Diplomacy powers, however because we feel more confident in our military powers we refer to them when it comes to matters of security.

  6. I agree with Anchal and Erika on the idea that military power should be a last resort because it seems to cause more consequences such as casualties and money. I think countries in power have come to a point where they would rather not meet a common ground or try to compromise. Instead they try to force their ways of thinking on other countries and this creates more problems. I think once more countries and government itself tries to reach a point where they solve issues peacefully then military won't need to be used always.
