Sunday, November 1, 2015

Erika's power post

The link above is about Trump's 'small' loan of one million dollars. He was trying to say that he started out with very little like everyone else, but he made something of himself by working hard. He is trying to gain power through more voters and thinks that saying he struggled in life  will win him more votes, even if that struggle was to the tune of $1 million from his dad. He is attempting to use his speeches to garner voters, he thinks that the best way to gain voters, and in the end power, is speaking. He has very strong beliefs that become evident every time he speaks and this seems to be working for him because he is always on top of the polls. This is only one example of things Trump has said that leave some people with a confused expression on their faces and others following him blindly.

Thrucydides believes that power rests in the ability to not just speak but to be listened to. Power is when people will do what ever you say because you said it. Trump has the ear of many conservative republicans in the country. These people will do anything and everything for him. There are people who believe that he did struggle to stretch the $1 million dollars to create his business and pay his dad back. Others think he is crazy for saying that he struggled in life and used the example of getting a $1 million loan from his dad to back it up. People feel this way because they know that $1 million is more than some people see in their whole life. Thrucydides knew that the way to power was not through violence and fear, but through speaking. If people believe you they are more likely to do what you say. If your speech is empowering, encouraging, and/or meaningful in any way then people will listen to and follow you without hesitation.


  1. It is true that Trump has gained a large backing, but I don't necessarily think that it is through his speaking abilities. There are very few people who have a neutral opinion of Trump- people either love him or hate him. The article mentions how Trump failed to answer questions such as how he plans to deport the 11 million illegal immigrants in the US as he has been saying he will. In addition, Trump has been constantly attacking other candidates instead of strengthening his own arguments, which has increased voters' dislike for him.

  2. I agree, Trump has gained a lot of followers and supporters because he is addressing the issues that the other candidates are too afraid to talk about. That being said, Trump clearly has a very black and white following in the sense that Sammy mentioned which is either people love him or hate him. I do believe that Thrucydides was right in believing that speaking is the best way to get people to believe you, which is how Trump has managed to stay afloat in this presidential race. He is empowering to a certain group of people, and that is what gets him votes.

  3. I think Trump knows his audience very well and that's where his power comes from. He almost has a combination of both using speaking and fear to make people like him or dislike him so fervently.In Thucydides, during Pericles' funeral oration, we talked about how nationalism and taking advantage of the situation were to key factors into why the speech was so powerful and successful. I think those are two things that Trump does very well whenever he talks or "debates". He knows immigration and employment are two hot topics in politics and in the public right now so he plays off people's fears about those things, whether it be the immigrants taking jobs, bringing drugs, or committing crimes. Obviously we know these things aren't true and they sound ridiculous but for many they connect to fears they have and he's able to take advantage of that to gain support even if it doesn't make sense.

  4. I agree that having a persuasive speaking style definitely helps one achieve power. A big way to gain power is by having a group of followers who believe your agenda and can back you up. Donald trump, however, I do not believe has the true power of persuasion of speech. I think to truly be a great speaker and have power in that way you must be able to convince someone to change their mind to your beliefs. I do not believe that Trump is doing this, but I do think he is gaining followers from people who already agreed with his speech.

  5. I agree with Anchal on the fact that Trump has gained a huge following and this is probably due to him voicing his opinions on issues that most people are scared to give their true opinions about such as immigration. In this case, I guess trump can be persuasive and maybe his speaking is powerful. However, often he doesn't answer questions and just tends to mock certain candidates and states his opinion without examples. In all, I do believe speech is one of the most powerful tools.
