Sunday, September 13, 2015

Justice is the advantage of the stronger seen thourgh elections in Russia

     In Russia there were elections for local legislators and governors. The problem was that there was only one region, Kostroma, were candidates that opposed Putin were allowed to run. This is a clear example of Justice being the advantage of the stronger or of those in power. The article also says that even in Moscow where people are generally more westernized the anti-Putin’s have been beaten back significantly. The region where the Putin opposers were allowed to run is very economically depressed, which means that Putin does not see it as a threat and therefore does not really care what they do or say. Putin does what he wants when he wants, this is shown in the article by the fact that most people see no alternative to Putin and his supporters. This also speaks to the fact that many who aggressively speak out against Putin end up in jail. This shows justice being the advantage of the stronger, because Putin is using his strength to create his own justice that ultimately helps only him.

    This connects to The Republic of Plato where Thrasymacus believes that justice is the advantage of the stronger. Putin being in charge and not allowing most opposition against him to run shows this in a modern context. He let one region have a candidate that is not pro-Putin run, this was really just for show so he could say that it was a fair election and to say that he is just. Justice being the advantage of the stronger means that the ‘weak’, those not in power, have to follow the rules laid down by those in charge. Generally those in charge are the strongest or else they would have been kicked out. Thrasymacus thinks that those in charge are only looking to better themselves and not to better their subjects. This is shown in the article by there being very little opposition of Putin allowed to run. Putin wants to make sure he can not only stay in charge, but do it without anyone stating the other side of the story or saying something is wrong and should not happen or should be overturned.


  1. Justice defined as what the law says or as how the state carries it out may be for the stronger but should it? In the Republic, Socrates is arguing that justice is not the advantage of the stronger not because he does not see laws carried out more often in their favor but instead because he thinks that justice is not attached to laws and is something that everyone can live up to. In other words, is what Putin is doing just? Does it being 'legal' make it just?

    1. To answer your question, no being legal does not make it just. I do not think that justice should be the advantage of the stronger, but often times it is. I think that justice should be a way to further a community as a whole. I think that justice is letting people decide what they want and believe and then the laws should be built around those basic beliefs, with the ability to change or revoke or add to them later based on the way the views and beliefs change. In Russia there is no room for change or an opinion to help form the laws other than what Putin wants. Therefore he is an example of what is not just because he is using his power to help himself only.

  2. Professor Shirk, I dont believe what Putin is doing is Just. Just because it is legal does not mean that him allowing one region to have a candidate who is not pro-Putin, is just. Being just would mean allowing more regions who dont share his viewpoints to vote, however Putin being the leader he is, does not want any position of his to be taken away, so he is convincing his people that he is being fair by letting people "fairly" vote! Erika you are right in saying that Putin does not see this region as a threat, and therefore he does not really care about them.

  3. In response to Professor Shirk's questions, no what Putin is doing is not just and just because something is legal does not mean it is just. I think Plato's view on justice in the Republic is a theory and more about how the justice should be but, as we have seen through history it is never actually carried out that way. Justice to Plato seems more like something we should be striving for and we clearly have not reached true justice yet. We have adapted justice to fit our societal structure. So, I would argue that adapting Plato's view into our modern structure that justice is actually the advantage of the weaker because what is just is supposed to serve the weaker or ruled. Part of Plato's argument is that the rulers are supposed to further the ruled so that is what Putin should be doing. Putin is taking away justice and the role of justice in society.

  4. I mostly agree with Socrates that justice should not be attached with laws and should more be an ideal we try to live up to. Something should not be considered unjust for the sole reason that it breaks the law. Throughout our history we have had many unjust laws, so I think it can be just to unfollow an unjust law. Relating this back to Putin, I think his actions are unjust, but I do not agree with the satement justice is the advantage of the stronger. Justice is a more individual thing to aspire to and not just following the laws. Just because what Puntin is doing is legal does not mean it is just. Although his power gives him the ability to make the law, it does not mean his actions are just. Those under him can act justly if they try to act in ways that would make things more just. For example, they can try to do things that can try to bring down Putin's power. That does not mean they have to take drastic risks that my harm their life, but they can do small steps to try to limit Putin's unjust actions.

    1. Hyla I agree that the people under Putin could try to do things to change the laws or to bring down Putin, but I think many of them are hand selected by Putin and also benefiting from what he is doing therefore they do not want to cause any of that to change. Therefore the people in positions to possibly make small steps that lead to a big outcomes will not make those small steps. Many people in Russia now have given up on trying to get things to change. I think some were hoping that when the term limit ran out he would leave, but then he said he found a way around that because it says consecutive terms so he placed a puppet in charge for a term and then came back. Also many people are afraid to speak up or start a change, many people have ended up in jail because of small things.

    2. I agree with you Erica. I think the federal system in Russia is very much rigged. Putin has the system set up so that he can stay in power. He purposefully places those around him that will agree and do whatever he says. Although many may disagree with what he does, they have no power or at least not as much as he does. They are powerless. When you feel powerless, it is harder to speak up or about issues that truly bother you.

    3. I agree with you Erica. I think the federal system in Russia is very much rigged. Putin has the system set up so that he can stay in power. He purposefully places those around him that will agree and do whatever he says. Although many may disagree with what he does, they have no power or at least not as much as he does. They are powerless. When you feel powerless, it is harder to speak up or about issues that truly bother you.

  5. This is a good example of how making something the law does not make it just. Putin has constantly changed the laws of Russia in order to keep himself in power, including influencing amendments to the Russian Constitution that extend his length of terms in office. Although Thrasymacus may believe this is justice, and Putin himself may believe it is just, the people of Russia most likely have different opinions. The Russian public most likely would agree with Socrates in that justice in Russia is not attached to these laws, as Putin is making them to give himself more power and control.

    1. Sammy I agree with you that Putin would agree with Thrasymacus and the people of Russia would agree with Socrates. I think Putin is trying make everything he does that is unjust seem just by making it a law. This shows how justice can be used as an advantage of the stonger.
