Saturday, September 19, 2015

Anchal's Blog, Blog 1 Cuba and USA's Relationship

Anchal Kannambadi

September 19th, 2015

In the article above we discuss Cuba and USA’s measures to expand our trade, as well as travel within each other’s borders. Obama has started to “loosen” the hostility between Cuba and USA, and along with the Treasury, and Commerce Departments, he has issued new rules that allow trade, agriculture, etc. with Cuba. This decision has been implemented to help fix relations between the two. The idea is to promote political and economic situations in Cuba. Americans would be able to travel to Cuba without getting a license from the US government, for a number of visits/reasons. The new rules would help the political economy in Cuba, and the US would be able to provide mobile devices, and internet services to Cuba.

This article relates to what we were talking about in class on why government is important. We read that governments help to avoid wars, and provide stability within the people. Although for many cases that has not been true, for this situation Obama’s decision will help our relationship with Cuba. I think that with the new rules that regulate our relationship with Cuba, we will be able to mend (slowly) our problems with Cuba. Having this new found freedom for Cubans is going to help the economy because more business opportunities will present themselves, and rather that regressing, Cubans will be able to move forward. It’s also good that our relationship with Cuba is getting mended, because although Cuba is a communist country, being exposed to the US and our society might help them improve their lifestyle. One statement that I found to be interesting in the article was “United States companies will continue to be used as bait, but now the Republic of Cuba will need to reciprocate or risk a lessening of interest by the United States business community," why would America lose interest in Cuba, and how will Cuba keep our interest?


  1. I agree that it is beneficial for the United States to try and ease the tensions that have stood between Cuba and the US for so long. If the Cuban and American governments can overcome conflict, there will be better trading opportunities for both countries, but especially for Cuba. I believe that the US is using these increased trade opportunities as an incentive for Cuba to behave, as these good business relations will help boost their economy. If Cuba begins to act hostile again, the US will draw back these benefits- therefore, Cuba will need to keep the United States interested by reciprocating this friendlier attitude if they want their economy, and by extension, their citizens, to reap the benefits of US services.

  2. I also agree that it is beneficial for Cuba and the US to ease tensions with each other. I think that because the governments from each country are set up so differently that it will be a challenge to transition into trading and working on further diplomacy with each other. There definitely needs to be a give and take element at first. The two countries need to cooperate with each other if they both want to get the benefits they are seeking from establishing ties again.

  3. I also agree with what everyone has said, that is beneficial for the US and Cuba to have a new, better relationship with each other. This will allow some improved economic incentives for both countries. I do think, however, that this new relationship with Cuba is more beneficial to Cuba than it is to the US. As a result, this is why the article mentions that Cuba needs to keep the US interested. The US was fully able to function without a relation with Cuba. Cuba was also able to have a functioning society, but having a positive relationship with the US will be much more beneficial for Cuba than it is for the US.

  4. I also agree with what has been previously stated that this new opportunity is beneficial for the US and Cuba to have a positive relationship with each other. I can see how this will benefit Cuba more, but I also think that we would not have entered into this relationship if it did not or will not help us in some way. Yes we have had a good economy and been able to stand strong without Cuba and that Cuba has had its ups and downs, but I do not believe that the US would do anything to help another country, especially one that they have butted heads with for many decades. if it was not going to help or benefit them in some way. I think that it is nice because it shows that the US and Cuba are moving past the differences they have had and looking towards a future where they can openly trade goods and help each other out. I think it says a lot about the two countries, that they are both looking to move on. The differences in government styles may cause some hiccups, but I think if both countries want it they will make it work.

  5. To answer your question Anchal, I think one way America can lose interest in Cuba is if Cuba stay on the less than developed path. Cuba is known to have an old time feel and are less high tech than America. This could be a turn off for America. I think also if America feels like too much of a helper. Sometimes America likes helping other nations but then again they don't like to feel like too much of their money and time is going to a nation other than themselves. Personally, I beleive both countries have amazing things to offer one another from America's high tech society to Cuba's government system and trade.

    1. I definitely see your point Briona. Cuba is not as "up to date" as We are, and knowing our society and our government we are looking for a way to advance ourselves. Like the other girls said, Cuba might have a hard time holding the US's attention, but i do see us using our new opportunities for trade and such, to help us amend the broken bonds between us.
