This article is about how the country Kyrgyzstan will
likely soon pass and anti-gay law. In Kyrgyzstan a bill must go through three
rounds before it is passed. The anti-gay bill has already gone through two
rounds. Its first round it was voted 79 to 7 and its second round it was 90 to
2 in favor of passing the bill. It seems the majority of the parliament is in
favor of passing this bill. This bill would “ban the existence of LGBT organizations, shutter gay clubs, and
most notably, could result in one-year prison sentences for those found guilty
of propagating non-traditional sexual relations.” Violence against the LGBT
community in Kyrgyzstan is already a major issue and the passing of this bill
will only make it worse.
This article
reminded me of our discussion of Locke on Friday. It seems like a lot of the
class agreed with what Lock had to say. However, the one issue I have with
Locke is his focus on majority rule. This article is an example on where
majority rule might have negative consequences. In this case, the majority of
the Kyrgyzstan government is in favor of passing the anti-gay law. By passing
this law this would severely harm the rights of the LGBT minority in Kyrgyzstan
and put them in danger. I found this to be a big flaw in Locke’s ideas. I know
sometimes this is also an issue in our government where minorities’ rights may
not be represented. Do you guys think we should just go along with what the
majority rules because it is the majority? Or should there be a focus on
minority rights as well?